Help For Care - Professional and impartial advice and support
Free consultation 01432 870209

Which care home would be best to meet specific needs?

- This would be a different answer depending on the individual.   Help for Care take in to account all aspects of your health and care needs and also your personality, likes and dislikes to find the best option for you. 

What level of care should I be paying for?

- this can vary depending on your needs but we will find the right level for you and point you towards homes that can meet those needs.

What changes have there been since a care home last had an inspection?

- we will speak to care home managers and the inspection body and feedback any up to date information to you. 

What if I’m not happy once I’ve moved in?

- we offer ongoing reviews as soon as you move in and will arrange a formal review with the Manager after 6 weeks.  Any problems or concerns can be discussed with me at any point during your placement.

How much will my care cost and is there any financial support avaailable to me?- there is sometimes financial support available, even if you are moving in to a home privately.  We can advise you about the options that might be available to you and support you to access this if required.